Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Size 8 Cereal

Matt over at Scrubbles found this delightfully weird cereal commercial. Apparently in the 1960s there was a Post cereal called Size 8, trying to appeal to weight-conscious women.

Of course, today, size 8 is considered gargantuan in Hollywood -- it would have to be dubbed Size Double Zero.

But the best thing about it is not the odd name, but that it was sold not in a traditional cereal box, but in a mod paisley swirl patterened round cylinder. No, really.


  1. Size 8 then was much smaller than a size 8 now.

  2. Brian1:41 PM

    I guess creative hippie chicks could make bongs out of the packaging tubes...

  3. Groovy, huh? This might have been something Post's ad agency came up with to test market the cereal. Whether it was actually sold in grocery stores, I can't tell!

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    i notice all the models in the ad are wearing big blousy outfits.
