Thursday, July 14, 2005

On the bus

Bus Monster is a new real-time program for Seattle bus customers. It combines Google Maps, the bus company's trip planner program (which I used just today), and traffic info. You can enter any Seattle address and it will tell you what buses serve that area and when the next ones are due. I love it! Too bad it's not available for every city, but I'll test it out for all you other cities and let you know how it goes.

Rob and I took the bus the other day though and had quite an adventure. This guy up near the driver was obviously not all there and was ranting, loudly and profanely, about how some other guy with him let some @%^#!@ into his house and they STOLE HIS OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL! I whispered to Rob that I wondered what his gold medal was in, and we agreed that we hoped it wasn't biathalon.

(Via Metafilter.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Riding the bus in Capital Hill I got to overhear a conversation between a Mom and her approximately 3 year old daughter about how she is still the Mommy, and even though Daddy is also a Mommy now he/she didn't give birth.

I guess 3 isn't too young to learn about gender reassignment surgery.