Monday, October 31, 2005

Betty gets her goth on

I love this: Betty can't get Archie and Veronica's attention, so she goes goth.

Because it's still 1981 in Archie Comics, apparently. Or 1983, based on the "Flashdance" outfit Archie is wearing in the last panel, there.

(Click here to read the whole comic, then click on the magnifier in the lower right corner to enlarge.)


Dimestore Lipstick said...

Just to pick another nit...
You don't "bake" Rice Krispies Treats.

Anonymous said...

Sonic the Hedgehog -- LOL! And a coffeeshop called "Groovy G--" presumably "grounds" - just how old ARE the middle-aged men who write and draw this strip??

And dimestore's right about the treats - I notice that whenever there's a reference to "baked" rice krispie treats, it's a male (sitcom or comic book) writer.

Anonymous said...

::sigh:: I miss Archie comic books!

Anonymous said...

I love how Reggie is rocking the "Interview with a Vampire" circa 1994 look for his goth. And seriously, that piece of hair in his face is about a dab of gel from being an Alfalfa spike....

Anonymous said...

That was "totally dismal and excellent"!
