Sunday, October 09, 2005


"FBOFW" finally moves on from the Elly travelogue, back to the story everyone's been waiting for ... Mike's stupid feud with the neighbors? Oh, great.

I can't believe that Mike is supposedly some bigshot editor yet he has no problem using journalism not for high and mighty aims, but instead to unfairly and publicly jab at his doofus neighbors. Back when I was majoring in journalism, Mikey Boy, we had to take a certain little class called Ethics in Journalism. Maybe you slept through it?

And disregarding for even a second the unfairness of it all, how exactly does Mike know they don't read the paper? He searches through their trash? And how does he assume they wouldn't recognize themselves when a) they presumably know his name, which I assume is on the byline, and b) he's so proud of it being run "uncut," with every petty little detail intact?

Oh, Mike, I hope your magazine fires you, even though this column didn't appear there, for actions unbefitting a journalist, or some such.

Sidenote: How come Meredith has grown up to be a junior Jon Benet Ramsey, while Robin is suffering from a horrible case of Baby PotatoFace? He's not as ugly as the Kelpfroths, though, yeesh, their faces could stop traffic.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I thought the same stuff as you did. What kind of idiot journalist thinks that old people don't read the paper? Old people are the only group GUARANTEED to read the paper! I knew that when I was 21 and a noob journalist!

Next comes the angry letter to the editor, followed by an escalation in the "Neighbor Wars", and the Kelpfroths write their own "Those annoying kids!" rebuttal.

B. Wieder said...

I supposed it would be pointless of me to reiterate what many of your other readers have surely pointed out with regard to FBOFW's lapses of rationality:
IT'S A COMIC STRIP! I can only urge you most strenuously not to go anywhere near "Pearls Before Swine" or "Get Fuzzy."

Anonymous said...


But come on, don't tell me you never once yelled at a movie screen on your TV when someone did something stupid, either.

Call me crazy, but shouldn't a writer do a better job than this, though? Especially with all of her years of experience?

Anonymous said...

I would figure he thought they wouldn't recognize themselves because, if they believed themselves to be half as obnoxious as he portrayed them in his article, they surely would have tried to mend their ways and not keep bothering him maliciously.

But as you, Gael, pointed out today, they're EVIL and knew the whole time exactly what they were doing! They were just trying to make him and his family miserable! They don't care about their own problems, no -- they just want to make sure their neighbors are miserable all the time, like the villains in some Grimm's Fairy Tale.

Anonymous said...

Look at the Oct 12 FBofW strip -- it shows that, even though maybe Mike doesn't go through the Kelpfroths trash, their landlady does!