Sunday, October 30, 2005

If the '80s shoe fits...

How embarrassing. Even though "I Love the '80s" is on its third swing through the decade ( "I Love the '80s 3D"), I am still addicted, and still somewhat in love with Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black.

I almost like the third season better than the early ones, because they're scraping the bottom of the barrel in some genres, and thus come up with the obscure fun details of the decade.

I mean, I really don't need a rehash of why we loved "The Cosby Show," but a segment on patterned shoelaces shoots me back to 1985, when I wore shoelaces (free from Lip Smackers, I think) decorated with icons of their different flavors ... bubble gum, vanilla, root beer and the like. They were laced through my school uniform saddleshoes, and I suspect they still are.


Anonymous said...

At 1st I could not believe that they were on another run of I Love the 80's, but now I can't stop watching! My wife and I are constantly cracking up at Hal Sparks, Ian Black and the gang! Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I loved my patterned shoe laces. I had several different kinds. I even had school spirit laces that I wore to pep rallies. Remember barretts with ribbons? I wore those in school colors too. Yes, I was that girl.

Amy in Minnetonka.

Anonymous said...

Yup the 80s shoe fits like a glove. I grew up in the 80s...class of 86 in Los Angeles. I was so 80s I went around looking like a member of Duran Duran through the 80s and well into the 90s!!

If you want to see for yourself check out this fun site my buddy and I made:


timbrat said...

Ha! I had RED GLITTER shoelaces. I apparently spent the 80s on a... CLUE WAGON! I was a HIT back then (Homo in Training.)

Further proof: I was watching ILT80s3D with some friends and we ALL were grooving to the fashion plates, since we all had sisters, we got to play with them A LOT. We were just a bunch of nancy boys, weren't we?