Monday, March 06, 2006

Wrapped up like a douche...

Oh yes, it's one of the most misheard songs ever: "Blinded By the Light."

And even if you know "revved up like a deuce," not "wrapped up like a douche," you may lose it completely somewhere around "little Early Burly came by in his Curly Wurly," which sounds a heckuva lot like "little early birdie made my anus curly wurly," and I don't even WANT to know what THAT means. The calliope crashed to the ground indeed.

Anyway, I was quite entertained by the discussion of what the song may or may not mean over at the wrong-more-often-than-right Check it out, Go-cart Mozart.


Anonymous said...

Heh. I heard this song again just the other day and was again struck by the mess that is trying to figure out the lyrics and then their meaning. Thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that as soon as I saw your headline at the bottom of my screen, with the text of the paragraph hidden, I knew what song you were talking about.