Someone posted on Ask Metafilter wondering why no White Castles (annoying audio) on the West Coast (essentially the answer is: the chain is small and wants to stay around its Ohio HQ). Someone else posted that who cares when the West Coast has In N Out Burger (more annoying audio). Well, my response was that Washington state has neither, and dammit, there are some days when I could really use a slyder or ten. Or a double-double, animal style.
According to yet another response, the Pacific Northwest has always been and perhaps always will be a kind of empty spot for chains, because we're apparently still considered a frontier oupost, or something. (Seattle's own small chain, Dick's, is just awful in comparison to good old midwestern chains. Red Mill is acceptable, but there are only two and they're less fast foody and more sit-down mealy.)
Someone suggested Burgerville, which I don't think I've been to, but they aren't in Seattle, though there are some in Southwest Washington, apparently.
I agree. Dick's is awful. But I seem to remember Kidd Valley doing a pretty decent job...
(Burgerville is amazing -- we have to make a pilgrimage every time we're home. Tillamook cheeseburger with pepper bacon? Walla Walla onion rings? Oregon blackberry shakes? Totally worth a roadtrip.)
Kidd Valley.
Oops, ruth beat me to it.
Sadly, Kidd Valley is only considered good by Seattle standards. I just don't get that place's appeal.
Burgerville is, in a word, excellent. Committed to local ingredients and seasonal yummies! The only fast food I ever eat...
OMG! Dick's is NOT awful. Their cheesburgers are the best in what I call the "flat" burger category. If you want good NW burgers, I recommend Burgermaster. I think they beat the pants right off In & Out.
Also, I'm fainting at the idea that Red Mill is just okay.
See, that's the problem. Seattleites don't know good burgers, so they think Dick's is fine and Kidd Valley/Burgermaster are steps up. I hate to be a snob about it, but there are about a dozen restaurants in the Twin Cities that are so much better than any Seattle burger. It must just be a cultural difference or something.
Don't get me started on Seattle pizza.
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