Monday, December 11, 2006

You got your Twinkie in my Hostess cupcake

My friend Kim D. has this retro sign in her house, and I love it.

But it makes me wonder: When did Twinkies look like this? It's like someone ran an assembly line of Twinkies under the cupcake chocolate-topping-and-white-squiggle line by mistake.

I wonder if Jim Anchower was working there one day "Hola, amigos. Well, after I got fired from the junkyard, my pal got me a job at the Hostess plant. I was totally wasted and I messed up the Twinkies and the cupcake recipes. Oh well, quick, package 'em up before the boss comes back."

Also, if super-deluxe choco-squiggle Twinkies were 2 for a dime, how cheap were Hostess cupcakes back then? See for yourself.

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