Sunday, March 25, 2007


Apparently Gerald's hormones just went into overdrive on "For Better or For Worse."

Is unwed motherhood in April's future? And since when do kids sneaking around getting liquor choose WINE? Wine coolers, maybe, but what 15-year-old is all "Yeah, you know what would make this makeout session better? A fine vintage Cabernet."


Sweetie Darling said...

This just keeps getting for worse and for worse! Everyone in the strip is really annoying these days. Mike's party was super lame.

Does your paper carry "Lio"? Thought of you when I saw this yesterday: Clearly, the Lio cartoonist is an obsessed "fan" as well!

Anonymous said...

The Fark FBOFW thread on that very topic is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you know that the whole family will come home earlyor one of the kids will wake up and see them. Then probably Meredith will say something "cute" to Mike or Dee about what she saw April and Gerald doing and oh, the hijinx will ensue.

Gleemonex said...

Gael -- oh jeez, what a strip. And THANK YOU for pointing out the wine thing -- kids filch beers from the garage, or little bits of different bottles of liquor from the liquor cabinet, likely all mixed together in one container that used to hold something else. The only "wine" kids would think to swipe is Boone's, and NOBODY calls that vomitus "wine." It's just "Boone's," or "Strawberry Hill." And what is WITH Gerald's sudden move to Sleazeburgistan??

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah it is cheesy but I have to say that I hope that they have the guts to make April go bad-girl. The family is too dang perfect and whitebread...The family discovering a boozed up April gone Wild would be great only to be topped by her getting pregnant.

timbrat said...

Well, it's refreshing to see that Lynn actually knows where kids come from, since Michael's wife apparently got preggers from looking at him intently or something. And good news... It looks like she's gonna get caught... no teen pregnancy for her! (there's not time to deal with it before Lynn leaves us!)

Wayne Nix said...

Have you people never heard of Boone's Farm?'s_Farm

Anonymous said...

kids whose alcoholic beverage supply comes from whatever they can snag from the nearest inattentive adult will drink anything. we rarely drink at home, so my 15 year old was stuck with various liquours that I bought for pastry and confection recipes: triple sec, kahlua, godiva choc. liquor, frangelica, sherry, kijava. We occaisionally had adequate to drink, good enough to cook with with wine around. But usually emptied the bottle between the cooking with and drinking with.

At any rate, getting drunk on all that sugary stuff was a pretty bad way to get drunk. Not that it slowed her down over the next few years...