Thursday, March 06, 2008

More lost years of Adrian Mole

My best friend Lisa and I are big fans of Adrian Mole (and I recently convinced my book club to read one of the later books). If you're at all an Anglophile and love to laugh, you should check them out, too. The first book begins when Adrian is 13 (and 3/4!) and is kind of written for young adults, but as he ages, the book's intended audience does, too. They're truly a treasure.

Adrian's Wikipedia entry mentions a part of Adrian's life that doesn't show up in any of the books, the "Diary of a Provincial Man" years, which apparently were only published in the Guardian. I'd love to read those. They include Adrian's reaction to 9/11, his crush on a male therapist, and Adrian watching his half-brother become everything Adrian always wanted to me. Good on ya, Moley.


Anonymous said...

I went straight over to and searched first for the Diary of Adrian Mole and then Diary of a Provincial Man... nothing for the latter, three irrelevant hits for the former, all from different years. That's a travesty!

Anonymous said...

You have to go into the archives and seach under Sue Townsend, then look at the years in the sidebar menu on the left. The articles appeared late in 1999, and until November 2001.
The articles are hiLARious.

Mamun said...

The Wikipedia Entry also has a PDF file available for download...