Sunday, October 26, 2008

Alert Mr. Belushi

I haven't sent Lisa any gross candy in a while. Would I win our contest for all time if I sent her Zit Poppers Candy?

Of course, it's from the hilarious, where I once bought an uncut sheet of Wacky Packs, which I had framed. And which would be hanging on my office wall right now, if my office wasn't a cube in a very loud and unprivate newsroom.

(Via my co-worker Paige.)


Adrienne said...

My 12-year-old loves the Chef Ghoulicious line of candy. The Box of Boogers is not to be missed, if only for it's absolutely disgusting boogery (is that a word?) texture. I was a bit dismayed to do some box checking and discovering that the candy is made in China. It is hard to say no to the boy, though, when he asks for a Chef Ghoulicious Bag of Brains, so I'm trying hard to overlook that fact.

thatothrgirl said...

My 11yo son just inheirited my framed sheet of those uncut WackyPack cards. He loves it now that he can get the jokes. Best thing from ever.