Putting aside the obvious weirdness of a delicious smell helping you get a job, I was fascinated to learn that Demeter has a marshmallow fragrance. Marshmallow is one of my favorite flavors in sweets, but I have never noticed that it actually has much of a scent. I'll be looking for a sample of this at Sephora next time I go.
Bathed and Infused (www.bathedandinfused.com) and Bissy's Boutique (www.bissysboutique.com) also have yummy dessert-scented perfumes, shower gels, etc.
There is a place we like called Hollywood gelato, which makes their own gelato and they come up with some interesting flavours. The Toasted Mashemallow seemed like a good idea, but in the end it was just a very mild-flvoured mocha, nothing exciting, so we were disappointed.
dab a bit of vanilla extract behind each ear. after a while it smells like you've been arouncd baking cookies.
Isle of Eden's Sugar Me! Marshmallow smells EXACTLY like marshmallows and lasts a lot longer than the Demeter version - www.isleofeden.com - she also has lots of other yummy scented treats!
CocoaPink www.cpsoap.com has a great Marshmallow fragrance that I like better than the Demeter one. It lasts much longer!
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