Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Jeopardy categories

Did you read the wonderful "Microserfs"? In that book, Doug Coupland had his characters list their Jeopardy categories--the areas that they were obsessed with lately, and which they'd have no trouble being quizzed on.

Here are mine as of late:

--Buying vintage Tell-A-Tale books for Kelly (we love "Peppermint," about a sad white kitten who has a magical transformation and wins a cat show)

--The creepy apocalyptic-virus movie "Carriers," which oddly went straight to DVD, and really is less a horror-gore-zombie movie than a drama about people in a creepy situation.

--XM Radio's Fantasy Sports channel. I normally haaate sports call-in shows, but because the people calling a fantasy channel all have a specific, non-emotional question to ask, I don't hate this. Also, the hosts sound like normal people you'd like to know, not ESPN blowhards.

--Roger Ebert's always-fascinating, always smart Twitter feed. (Don't miss Attack of the B-list Monsters!)

That's the pop-culture I'm obsessing over lately. You?

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Oh my gosh! "Peppermint" was one of my absolute favorites when I was little. Man, the image of the poor little sad, forgotten kitty on the cover always makes me tear up, even after 30+ years. Yeah, I'm a sap.