Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Adult chocolate milk

Yes, I would buy something called Adult Chocolate Milk, why do you ask, oh people who know I love all things chocolate?

I bet BevMo (cool chain of liquor-beverage-party supply stores) sells this. So we can pick one up when we go to SoCal next, and I highly suspect as soon as state-run liquor stores get voted down in this state, BevMo will move into Washington state. So I've got that goin' for me...


Lee said...

I'm all for adult chocolate milk as I am a choco-haulic as well. There's nothing odd about chocolate in any form.

Anonymous said...

The word "adult" makes it somehow sound naughty. I'm sure that's not the intent... or is it???

Anonymous said...

Just noticed the comely little milkmaid in the ad, which reinforces my suspicion of innuendo...