Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Harry Potter fun

Warning: Do not, repeat, do not click on this link if you are avoiding all possible spoilers for the new Harry Potter book coming out Saturday.

In it, the UK Guardian has readers take on the voice of numerous well-known authors and depict an event that may or may not be in the next Potter book. (Rumors are that said event could quite possibly happen, but it's a biggie if it does...and if you don't know now, you won't want the spoilage.)

Still, it might not happen, and if you don't mind possible spoilers, even huge ones, click away. Whew. Was that enough beating around the bush, there?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I've been tearing through the Dorothy Sayers books lately and hope hope hope that someone will submit one featuring Wimsey.

Terrific link! Can't wait until the book's out and I can share it with more people.