Wednesday, July 13, 2005

You say tomato, I say instrument of evil

I personally like tomatoes, they seem pretty inoffensive to me. But some people think tomatoes and ketchup and all their reddish bretheren are eeeeevil. (My friend Ann, known for ordering a "cheeseburger, PLAIN" at McDonald's, is reading this now and recognizing herself.) I sent her this site today and said "this is for you":

But I must say: How can you hate a misguided little thing that doesn't even know whether it's a fruit or a vegetable, and which has such a great origin story?

Excerpt: "In September of either 1820 or 1830 (the year varies with different accounts), legend has it that Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson (1771-1850) purportedly introduced the tomato to Salem County, New Jersey. Despite warnings that the tomato's poison would turn his blood to acid, he told the cheering spectators that he planned to eat the entire basket and survive. The story goes that thousands of eager spectators turned out to watch Johnson die after eating the poisonous fruits, and were shocked when he lived."

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