Thursday, August 11, 2005


Anthony! It was so Anthony! Of all the possible lameoid choices, it was the lame-oid-iest.

Anthony! 88-year-old Anthony! Apparently porn star 'staches and a weird relationship with your wife gives you psychic superpowers to know when your ex-girlfriend is in danger!

And all he asks for is an apology? Look dude, it's not like the guy just insulted Liz's shoes! This was heading towards a crime faster than you could say "women should stay home with their bebes." So you let him limp off, to strike again?

You know what this leads to, right? Anthony and Liz falling into each others arms, realizing that they're meant for each other, and too bad about Therese and that whole havin' my baby thing.

Speaking of, where IS Francoise, anyway? We all know Anthony could never leave her with her baby-hating momma.

Oh, this strip is going nowhere on a fast Canadian train.


Anonymous said...

I hated this one too and I'm usually a fan, even when it's lame. This is the lamest. Why could Anthony not hold this bastard on the floor while Liz calls the police? Why is she saying be careful? Be careful of what? Who should be careful? What a waste of newsprint.

Amy in Mpls

Rachel said...

Oh, GAG ME. I was kinda hoping it would be Warren, dropping by in his helicopter and being directed to the nursery by The Squarest Mom In The Known Universe.

But NO. It had to be Anthony. Puh. Leeze.

tara said...

I was hoping for ANYONE other than Anthony. Good job, Lynn, showing that the only way to solve this situation is to wait for some 88 year old man to come rescue you. I would have LOVED it had it been Kortney, or heaven forbid, Liz herself who solved the situation. But no, had to be a damsel, so we can have the 'romantic' ending, and Therese going postal.
And as far as Howard, this solves nothing! As said, you've let him go out and possibly reoffend. This wasn't a bit of catcalls or something, this was an attempted assault. What happens if Howard decides to come back?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with you all the way. I was really hoping it wouldn't be Anthony, because God, deus ex machina much?

How disappointing.

Alison E

mybillcrider said...

"Oh, this strip is going nowhere on a fast Canadian train."

Sad, but true. I was kinda hoping Lizardbreath would have a Glock stashed under the counter.

Anonymous said...

...Or at least some self-defense classes under her belt. And not calling the police to charge the would-be rapist with assault? Fairytale world. What's next -- Elizabeth will realize the folly of actually holding a job in a man's world, retire to her home, put on a burqa, and have babies? This is a lame 1970's storyline.

/i miss the old, funny FBOFW

Anonymous said...

Man, I second everything you said, and I want to puke too.

I bet he stashed Francoise on a back table somewhere and shoved a pacifier down her throat. "I have to go save your new mommy now!"

I bet the whole Howard thing gets dropped like Therese after this. Nobody ever calls the cops, nothing. Oh, he *might* get fired, but that'll be all.

Kate Fall said...

I mean, how many stalkers does Liz have? And now they're fighting each other? It's just creepy.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crud. It's not just demeaning, it's a dreadful cliche! Lynn, Lynn, Lynn...Anthony??? Why not a lady cop? Or Lawrence, who could then fire his asshole employee before calling the cops on him? Crap, man...I only hope the cops are outside waiting for the creep...

Anonymous said...

So so so disappointed. I could see that Lynn was prepping Liz to be a stepmom to Francoise by making Therese lack any redeeming quality (in fact, her complete bitchiness just makes Anthony look like the world's most pathetic individual--Why DID he marry her?), but this whole damsel in distress plotline. Aaaarrgghh. Bring back the old FBOFW. When it was good.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Liz is a pretty naive young lady and it all could happen the way the comic portrayed. Young women are still afraid to call the police irregardless how far as it appears society has come, there is still that unspoken thought that somehow the lady is to blame. Personally, I am glad it was Anthony that rescued was surprising but nice...

Anonymous said...

I liked that it was Anthony. I guess I'm in the minority. Therese doesn't want to be a mom, IMO, she just had the baby to try to hold into Anthony ... which is just to prove something to herself? I don't know. How about Therese runs off to Paris for work (like Sherri did to Chris & GiGi in The Gilmore Girls WB network in US), and Liz & Anthony and Francoise move back to the village where Liz teaches.

Anonymous said...

I never expected Anthony. I figured that it was John, following a paternal instinct telling him that Liz was in trouble.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Lynn handles the transition from "Anthony & Therese" to "Anthony & Liz."

I have a solution to the Therese problem. Lynn should deport her to another comic strip. I think Therese should become "Mrs. Opus."

In response to Bill's comment re Liz having a Glock: let's remember that this is a Canadian strip, not an American one.

Anonymous said...

Today a guy I work with at the newspaper was sitting quietly at his desk, reading the paper. He suddenly yelled to the room in general, "It was Anthony!?!" I burst out laughing.

tara said...

I just realized. Isn't this the second time Anthony has come to Liz's rescue? Did he not help her on New Year's with her fall on the ice? Remember the dramatic shot of her laying outisde on the pavement with the party going on indoors? What is it with Lynn and putting the women in peril?

Anonymous said...

Lynn doesn't ALWAYS put women in peril- just the ones who are too uppity to realize they should be married and popping out babies by the time they're 20. Silly Elizabeth, thinking that a young woman in the 21st century could have a career and wait to settle down! Maybe this'll learn her.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the torridness of it all ... but only because it reminds me of the Duran Duran fanfic (complete with Mary Sue!) I wrote when I was twelve. I want to see the Therese meltdown!

But yeah, letting the creepy jerk go was more than a little baffling.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the comment made at the Christmas party that rumor had it that the baby (soon to be Francois) wasn't even Anthony's baby has never been mentioned again! Does anyone else recall that? I wonder if that plotline is how their marriage will end, although I certainly can't see Anthony getting enough balls to actually proceed with a paternity test. . .

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd missed a strip or two when Anthony suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Talk about feeling manipulated. Still, it's my favorite strip now that we no longer have Calvin and Hobbes.

Anonymous said...

Please be kind folks. This is my favorite comic strip of all time. I love the family, the dogs, the cat & I love Lynn for creating it. Some of your comments were pretty nasty & shame on you. You're not smart, just cruel.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm not the only one ripping the paper open to the comics just to find out what happened to Elizabeth.

I think she should have taken care of Howard herself and kneecapped him. And definitly pressed charges. But when I looked at the strip before Anthony was revealed, I thought it was her Dad. Same height and hair color.

Although having it be Elly would have been a scream.

Now, can someone tell me why they send April to the ends of the Earth just for "kissing" a boy?


Anonymous said...

I was so disappointed that it was Anthony. I hope Liz has more sense than to fall for him again! Where is that Helicopter?