Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Journalism as fiction

So the Kaycee Nicole story has been topped. (I refuse to rehash the Kaycee story except to say that someone pretended to be another person dying of cancer, bloggers believed her, and all hell broke loose.)

A college newspaper in Illinois was running regular columns supposedly from a little girl whose dad was fighting in Iraq. The girl's cutesy prose and bad spelling charmed many, but now it turns out someone faked the whole thing. The little girl's parents thought she was playing a soldier's daughter in a documentary (which tells me they needed to look up "documentary" in the dictionary), someone else played the dad for his one appearance, and it's unclear if the paper's editor was duped or was somehow involved.

Man, my days editing the college paper (our only scandal involved security installing hidden cameras in the locker rooms, supposedly because of theft) look downright dull by comparison.

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