Sunday, August 28, 2005

Pass a grilled chocolate sandwich, please

I'm missing one of my favorite things all year this week. The Minnesota State Fair started Thursday, and I can't go home for the whole run of the Fair because I'm going in mid-September for my school reunion.

So I'll be missing all the new foods, including grilled chocolate sandwiches, spaghetti and meatballs on a stick, cheeseburger wontons, and more.

I love the Fair for its familiarity as much as its new items, though. Basically everything sits in the same spot it has since I was in grade school, and memories rush up to meet me at every corner. That's the stand where Ann and I would always get our rings cleaned, that's the train booth where a friend worked selling tickets, that's the giant slide that scared and thrilled me as a kid, that's the grandstand where we saw...some lame 1970s musical act, that's the booth where I once worked, handing out POGs, that's the technology building where Rob worked and I visited him, that's the kiddie ride where we stopped and marveled at what a wonderful world it was, just 10 days before 9-11-01.

Stay the same, Fair, I hope to catch you next year.


Anonymous said...

I'm headed home from the East Coast just for the fair this year. Haven't been in ages, but I was craving the food, just like you say.

That is, of course, assuming Northwest doesn't cancel my flight!

Anonymous said...

AAHHHHH! Minnesota.Lived there from '57-81. Rochester WAS a great town,bu I hear it's not s great anymore.But,YES,MN has THE best State Fair.The New York State Fair isn't anywhere near as good!