I've read that Twinkies originally came with banana filling, not vanilla, but I've never had one. But now I can! In a cross-promotion with the "King Kong" DVD release, Hostess is making banana Twinkies. So, so awesome. Give the marketer who thought of that a raise, and a giant bunch of bananas, and a free trip to Skull Island!
Matt at X-Entertainment not only alerted me to the existence of banana Twinkies, but to the fact that Hulk Hands and Thing Feet have now been joined by Electronic Kong Arms (scroll to end of the story to see the great photo). What a wonderful world we live in.
Long time reader, first-time commenter. I actually remember watching something about the "original" Twinkies being bananna-flavored. Apparently pre WWII they were made with real 'nannas in the filling, but after Pearl Harbor got bombed and the US was officially in the war, it got to expensive to ship them from Hawaii, rationing, etc. So they switched to the (artificial) vanilla flavor, and it was so popular they never went back.
And my mom said you couldn't learn anything useful by watching TV...
Keep up the good work - I really enjoy your blog, esp the insights on FBOFW.
Interesting that the previous comment mentioned the expense of shipping bananas from Hawaii...I was there eight years ago and remember seeing banana flavored Twinkies, which I'd never heard of before. I didn't try them at the time; however a recent obsession with artificial banana flavoring made me run out and buy some when I read this entry. They taste surprisingly different than the regular vanilla ones--not nearly as sweet, somehow. And VERY banana-y. I found them to be rather delicious...
I'm all about fake banana flavored stuff (banana Laffy Taffy, anyone?). Now I'll have to detour to the grocery store after work for sure!
Banana twinkies? Well that is something
This is supposedly a recipe for home-made twinkies. I wonder if replacing the two flavoring exctracts both with banana extract will yeild the same result as banana twinkies (for when the banana ones are pulled.)
My daughter wanted Twinkies when we were shopping but I made her put them back. I remember seeing BANANAS & Kong, but thought they were offering a coupon to get bananas with the box of twinkies. Then after reading the history here, I realized I was missing out on something special and bought some today. BTW, they also have King Kong shot glasses :-)~
Tried the banana twinkies today. Didn't really like them over the regular flavor, but they were interesting. I wonder if it was the same recipe they used originally?
I'm looking for them!! I live in Seattle. Where is the closest place to get them besides Hawaii? Anyone know? please email me back. djfleedog@yahoo.com.
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