Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The cycle of life, I guess

OK, what the? This is apparently a TV commercial for a new Barbie doll that comes with a dog, Tanner. Tanner comes with little treats that Barbie feeds him, and then you pump his tail and HE POOPS OUT THE TREATS.

The hell kinda crack are toy designers smoking? It's Baby Alive all over again.


Anonymous said...

So if you feed them to him a second time, he's indulging in coprophagia?

Anonymous said...

this is just wrong. so very, very wrong.

Anonymous said...

I can't comment on this because I've still got "Oh, Sherrie" stuck in my head.

-- Jeff W.

Anonymous said...

WTF?! Wow. That's such a bizarre concept for a toy. "Look kids - it poops, and you get to clean it up!" Crazy.

Dori said...

Thanks for the memories. I wanted one of those Baby Alive's SO BAD! I was really going for this concept back then...kinda scary. Well, someone has to be brainwashed to pick up the world's poop. Luckily my parents knew enough to deprive me of the pleasure.

Anonymous said...

I got my daughter a Baby Annabelle last Christmas (it broke after 6 months of not very much activity), and thankfully, the water you feed her in her bottle is cried out, not peed out (though my kids DO love to put diapers on their dolls and change them)

Anonymous said...

i really like that barbie has her handy 'picnic vacâ„¢' so she doesn't have to pick up the warm l'il nuggets...