You know, I thought I was pretty hot knowing my obscure Hostess products, what with my knowledge of Tiger Tails and recent sampling of Chocodiles.
But apparently I know nothing, NOTHING, because I don't even remember Hostess Leopards, chocolate-chip studded Twinkies. (I thought they were fake until I saw this box photo. Also note the Soul Brother chocolate Twinkie -- not chocolate-covered like Chocodiles, but made of devil's food cake.)
They were even around recently, like 2000 or so! The heck? Apparently these were sold during that brief two-week time period when, while on a routine expedition, the greatest earthquake ever known sent my tiny raft plunging down a thousand feet below. Or, something.
I remember Leopards! My brother-in-law was working for Hostess as a delivery driver at the time, and brought some home from the depot.
As the member of my family most enthused by junk food, I loved them. I never did actually see them in stores, however.
Ding Dongs wrapped in foil- the WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE!!
I remember seeing Leopards in my office convenience store in ~2000. I grabbed a pack, enjoyed them, and never, ever saw them again. I even emailed Hostess to ask if this elusive treat would ever again be found in stores, and I never heard back. That's when I began to suspect I was dreaming the whole thing.
oh goodness, i used to loooove these... we have a hostess outlet store here in tx. and i happened to just stumble upon these.... i must have went back every week for a box.... and then pooooof! they were gone...i never saw them again... i still have sweet sweet dreams of those terribly sinfully yummy snacks
oh, good. I thought that I had imagined the leopards - no one else has ever heard of them! Even the 7-11 hostess guy who stocked the chocodiles thought I was nuts.
does anyone know where i can buy or order hostess leopards?
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