Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Here, Kitty Kitty

My friend Sue, Rob and I still rave about the green-tea Kit Kats we found in Japan.

They had a boatload of funky Kit-Kat flavors there, including white chocolate and strawberry, but I never saw this yummy looking lemon cheesecake flavor.
I would also have enjoyed this red-wine flavor. Red wine and chocolate, mmm.


Anonymous said...

One thing I've learned from the J-List website, is that Japan is very seasonal about its food. Even candies will vary in availible flavors season to season. Probably you weren't around at the right time of year for lemon cheesecake.

Anonymous said...

I see white chocolate kit kats here in the states every once in awhile. They used to have them regularly as a "special edition" flavor when I was living in NYC a few years back.