Monday, February 05, 2007

Ja wohl, Alice!

I had saved some retromercials featuring different "Brady Bunch" kids before they were on the show, but as luck and You Tube would have it, several of them have been yanked--a Cheerios ad and a Frisbee ad both featuring Peter, and Jan AND Marcia hawking Barbie dolls.

But instead I found this: The "Brady Bunch" opening credits in German ("Drei Mädchen und drei Jungen," but "Mister Brady" is the only phrase I recognize) and a nutty homemade "Brady" parody using actual footage but intentionally badly voiced-over new words, in which Cindy finds out she's pregnant by Oliver, and Alice comes out of the closet, kind of.

Oh, and Jan is mocked endlessly, as is Jan's lot in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI -- It's spelled "ja wohl."

I dig your blog.
