6 lbs, 8 oz, 20 inches. She just made the cutoff for Libra--Rob was holding out for her to be a Scorpio.
She shares her birthday with Seattleites Ann Rule and Ichiro Suzuki, and other famous folks like Catherine Deneuve and Timothy Leary.
We're just so glad she's here.
Oh my gosh!!!! SO beautiful! Congratulations!
She's adorable! Congrats from a
many-years lurker.
Mazel Tov to you and Rob!! Kelly is absolutely beautiful! May she have a long healthy happy life.
What a beauty!
Wow--CONGRATULATIONS! She's a big girl for 2.5 weeks early. Best of luck to you and Rob on your new adventure!
Awesome! I'm so happy for you all! How soon till you're reading her "Sweet Valley High" books at bedtime?
Congrats Gael & Rob on your the new addition to your family. She's a cutie!!
Congratulations, Gael and Rob!! She's just beautiful!!
Congrats on the new arrival! She is adorable!
Congrats, Gael.
Congratulations! She's adorable!
What a sweetie. Congrats!
Congratulations! She's absolutely beautiful.
She is beautiful! Best wishes to you all- from a longtime reader.
Delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS! Your baby is beautiful!
Congratulations! Wishing your family all of the very best for years and years to come!
Congrats. She looks beautiful. Have lots of fun wit her.
Congratulations! What a beauty.
Congrats on (1) your new cutie and (2) on having the fortitude to not actually name her Minnie.
i can has milks?
Congratulations Gael and Rob!
She's gorgeous! Welcome to the world, little Kelly, and congratulations to mom and dad.
Yay! Welcome to the world Kelly Lake. We are so glad you are here.
Congrats Gael!
Big Ups, you did it. Smiles.
Congratulations! Kelly is adorable!
Oh, congratulations! She is just beautiful.
Also, a big thumbs up for blogging it yourself less than 24 hours after giving birth.
"Mini Cooper." HA! Y'all are just crazy. And Pretty Young Miss is very very blessed to have you as parentals.
Best wishes and long sound naps to all!
Oh Gael, big congrats to you and Rob! She is BEAUTIFUL, and what a great name!
Hoping you're feeling good and wishing your new little family the very best of everything, always.
Congratulations and take good care...
Laurie :)
Oh, Gael, she is lovely. Congratulations to you and Rob!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!
Congratulations to you all!
Congratulations, Gael & Rob! Kelly is so adorable. The first few months can be exhausting, but enjoy every minute - they go by too fast.
Hope you will continue to post pictures, I love baby pics! :)
Congratulations and much happiness!
Congrats! Best wishes for you and your family!
Congratulations! I've been checking and waiting for this announcement--I'm thrilled for you both.
You might want to actually check an astrological guide or have her horoscope calculated, since the actual position of the sun in each sign varies slightly year to year and if someone is born on a cusp it can vary from the officially designated sign for that day. I had a boyfriend born on the 22nd of October, who for years had believed he was a Scorpio but my mom calculated his chart for him and determined he actually was a Libra.
congrats! :)
welcome to the world, little Kelly!
Congratulations, Gael and Rob! She's a cutie.
Congrats on welcoming Kelly to your blog. Enjoy the Libra influence in your lives.
And as a libra, I'd like to say that she got the better sign by making the cutoff. ;)
She's gorgeous.
Congratulations and best wishes to everyone!
Beautiful! Congratulations.
Congratulations Gael! You and Rob have fun with your little angel!
Congratulations! She's beautiful!
Oh my gosh, she is lovely. I hope you are recovering well, and enjoying your new role as Mommy.
Congratulations to you and Rob, and welcome to the world, Kelly Lake. What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl!
Oh Gael- Congrats! I don't know you, but I feel like I do- we're the same age and I've been reading PCJM forever... I am so happy for you!
Congratulations! Enjoy your new little pumpkin.
Have fun - hope you, Rob, Dexy and Wednesday enjoy her. What a cutie!
Congratulations! And: aw, tiny baby hats are the best.
Hooray! An heir to the PCJM legacy! Congrats!
So many blessings! Congratulations and welcome to the club. She's beautiful.
Mazel tov!! Looks like she just couldn't wait to see the big wide world. :)
she is so beautiful; i got teary. congratulations, gael and rob. she's a lucky girl to have parents like you two.
congrads, best wishes and good luck
congrats! all the best to your family--you deserve all the goodness in the world for all of the laughs and wit you share with all of us. and the fborfw snark--give lynn hell, gael!
anyway, mazel tov and many good wishes.
Holy cow it's a baby! Congratulations!
She's beautiful - congratulations!
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