Sunday, December 16, 2007


I tell ya, Joan Crawford had nothin' on Therese in "FBOFW."

Gee, do you think Lynn Johnston is trying to paint her as a bad mother? Do you think? Because if so, I wish she'd stop being so subtle about it and just come out and say it.


Anonymous said...

No wire hangers, Francie....
I'm waiting for the strip where Liz learns the proverbial rule of step-parenting: no matter how much of a monster the biological parent is, never say anything against them. (much as I think a cat fight between here and Therese would rock).

Talia Felix said...

I'm surprised Francie can even recognize Therese. She left when Francie was a baby and hasn't been back since, right?

I also like how Granthony says the snow hides his gray hair. I thought he was like 26...

Anonymous said...

The whole storyline chaps my ass from so many angles.

1.) As a mom with joint custody, it bugs me to NO END that Francie's mom has been characterized as a heartless, selfish shrew.

2.) If you're going to totally divest yourself from your child's life, why the hell would you stay in the same town and shop at the same mall?

3.) Maybe Therese left Anthony because he's a manipulative shithead (see Santa strip).