Monday, August 09, 2010

Pop-Tarts World

There's now a store called Pop-Tarts World in New York's Times Square. Pop-Tart sushi, build your own Pop Tarts, etc.

Personally, I think they're going a little nuts with the light show: "The show will put on a brief light show every hour. First, visitors will 'get frosted,' Mr. Schoessel said, with a red light and a white light. That will be followed by brief pulses of light, 'all different colors to mimic the sprinkles,' he said, 'then another really bright light' to evoke wrapping the tarts in foil.

Oh, that's not reaching AT ALL.
Update: Here's a funny review of their eats. That photo makes it look like the Pop-Tarts sushi contains ground pork.


cinabar said...

Wow!!! I so want to go there!! Its hard locating anything but strawberry or chocolate Pop Tarts here in the UK. :-(

cmcl said...

That sounds insane, especially the "light show that simulates frosting" (...?) but I'm glad I read this article for the fact that I learned there's such a thing as GINGERBREAD Pop Tarts (seasonally)! I may have to bite the bullet and buy myself a doggone toaster now. Thanks!

Mary Ellen said...

Pop-Tarts give me crazy heartburn, ugh. I do love the chocolate vanilla creme flavor, though -- I can never find them in the store, alas! Or luckily, given the heartburn...

growler said...

As I Tweeted once: "Pop-Tarts. They smell like college. They taste like failure."