Sunday, September 11, 2005


Yaaaay! We're back to Liz, the most interestingFBOFW storyline, and done with April's school uniform woes. (Listen girl, I'll show ya some school-uniform woes...and we weren't allowed to wear wacky socks, either.)

But it actually looked like we're back not to Liz, but to Elly, as we see her sail off in the car with Liz's CDs. (Would you really give your mom some CDs and assume you had the same musical taste? What is up with that?)


Anonymous said...

Well my daughter since going to college in Southwestern Virginia has developed a taste for country-western. Which I can tolerate, and even like to some degree. But if she ever takes up chewing tobacco, I'll have to disown her! So while she might think about loaning me some tunes to listen to on the way home, I don't think she would because that would mean she wouldn't have them to listen to herself.

Anonymous said...

Your school was actually named Cretin-Derham Hall?


Anonymous said...

Oooh. I bet she's at the same Southwestern VA school as my grad school. And yes, I came back home with some bluegrass CDs, which my mom likes. She doesn't really like any of my other music Of course, I don't know that I have any CDs that go "THUD-Blat-BOOM!" ala Liz.

Anonymous said...

specically it was Radford University, in Radford, VA.

Anonymous said...

Ah, just down the road (I was at Virginia Tech,and had some good friends who went to Radford)

Anonymous said...

Same neck of the woods.

Gael Fashingbauer Cooper said...

Lisa: My school was named Derham Hall, but after I graduated, it merged with the boys' military school across the field, Cretin. It's the last name of the first bishop of St. Paul and "Cretin" is supposedly devolved from "Christian," but the school name was also voted third worst in the country once. (Cretin, not Derham Hall.) I forget who was second, but I remember Big Boring High School in Montana or something was first. Heh.

Copy Editor said...

Hee hee. "Cretin." Heh heh heh

Ah, I see you've turned on word verification recently, too. What's up with all the spammers on blogger? Grrrr.

My mom and I do have the same musical taste and even I would never go "here, have some random CD's!"

Anonymous said...

Especially music that consists of "foompa-boompa-thud-blat-boom" - what the hell is that supposed to be? the beat?

Anonymous said...

I, for one, find it curious that even though Liz almost got raped and her old flame finally confessed his adulterous feelings for her, she had a "great visit" nonetheless. I'd hate to see what she would actually consider a "crappy visit."